

Business Supporters

We are supported by some wonderfully caring businesses across the state.

business donor gold 

RACV Inverloch Resort

Victorian Mortgage Group

Euphonic Investments


business donor silver

Austin Legal

Elysium Accounting & Financial Solutions


Lighthouse Data Collection

Lift Me


To become a Business Supporter, please donate here.


Thank you to all our wonderful supporters for your ongoing contributions to Wildlife Victoria's Emergency Response Service. Last year we responded to approximately 130,000 native animals in need. If you would like to donate, please visit here.

Wildlife Victoria facilitates a major donor program, and if you would like further information about becoming a major donor, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our partner organisations are those that we collaborate with on an ongoing basis or from time to time to address problems that affect the welfare of wildlife:


TAC BLACK 1                                                  Parks Victoria Logo1               ESF Better Together colour



     RSPCA Logo                PINP Logo               DELWP Logo 


           VicRoads Logo                        Zoos Vic Logo                 AVA Logo


         Vic Police Logo                  MFB Logo                     CFA Logo                    


SES Logo                       



Our activity

in your area.

Explore the map to see a sample of the animals that needed our help in your local area last month. Each point on this map relates to a single animal, or family of animals, reported to Wildlife Victoria last month.

We get so many calls that not all our cases fit on the map, accordingly, this map is not an exact reflection of all our cases from the month. This map should only be used as an indicative sample.